
Nominations Closed: Invisible Champion Awards

Who are the unsung heroes of the nonprofit sector in your community?

The Invisible Champion Awards will be presented by United Way and the Bhayana Family Foundation with the goal of celebrating the unsung heroes of social change across Nova Scotia. Twenty awards of $1,000 will be given out this year. The awards honour individual employees OR organizations across Nova Scotia for their outstanding work.

The Invisible Champion Awards are designed to recognize creativity, diversity, inclusivity, dedication, team building, leadership, community partnership, innovation, and sector sustainability. Nominations are open to paid, front-line staff of a nonprofit who connect personally with the people they serve. Nonprofit organizations based in Nova Scotia, which include registered charities, social enterprises, and voluntary organizations, are also eligible for nomination.

Nominators and winners will be contacted by late -April. Winners will be celebrated on May 12, 2023 as part of the Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition.

We’re looking forward to this year’s awards! Please spread the word, and check back for details on the Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition.

Learn more about the Invisible Champion Awards by reading our blog post on last year’s winners!