Endowment Fund Gift
Invest in a bright future for Halifax with a gift to our Tomorrow Fund.

When you invest in United Way Halifax’s endowment fund, you help brighten the future of our community. You help ensure we’ll still be here, for as long as we’re needed.
Every year, 4% of our endowment fund’s total value gets disbursed to United Way Halifax’s Community Fund as general revenue, as well as to specific programs designated by donors. Meanwhile, the value of the Fund continues to grow or remain stable in perpetuity. The Tomorrow Fund is governed by a Board of Trustees, who are community members with varied skills and a shared commitment to the work of United Way Halifax.
Investing in the Tomorrow Fund is like investing in a retirement plan for your community.
Its impact is in its name. The Tomorrow Fund is an opportunity for you to help make the future of our community a bright one. It helps to ensure that as your trusted, local leader in poverty solutions, we’ll be providing funding, advocating for change, and impacting lives for many years to come.
The Tomorrow Fund is a great fit for community-minded investors, philanthropists, financial advisors, and private businesses.
There are many different ways to donate.
Investors and philanthropists: You can make a one-time or recurring gift, pledge a gift payable in annual instalments, make a gift of securities, or make a planned gift by naming the Tomorrow Fund as a beneficiary.
Financial advisors: You can work with us to establish key opportunities and benefits that would be a good fit for your clients. This would allow you to add the United Way Tomorrow Fund to your portfolio of investment opportunities and recommendations.
Businesses: You can choose to earmark a portion of your annual United Way donation for the Tomorrow Fund, so that you’re supporting both the short-term and long-term needs of your community each year. You can also make a one-time gift or pledge, payable in annual instalments.
Although the needs in our community today are significant, the need for change is going to be there tomorrow, too.
That’s why our current goal is to grow the Tomorrow Fund to $5 million. The resulting $200,000 annual disbursement will be invested in projects and solutions with a long-term impact.
When you make an initial gift of $100,000 or more, you can choose to direct the annual disbursements from investment toward specific populations, issues or community supports of your choosing. We’ll support you by sharing insights about the greatest needs in our community, and offering ideas for the most effective ways you can have an impact.
Want to talk about it? We’d love to hear from you.
Kathryn Levandier (she/her)
Manager, Business Development
(902) 461-3094